The picturesque village of Eden Mills lies along the beautiful Eramosa River in the area named for the river, the Eramosa River valley. The Eramosa River water way gently flows through the local suburbs of Ontario.
Here in Eden Mills we house around 350 people. Life is clean beautiful and simple, a kind of paradise. We benefit from our close proximity to the university city of Guelph and we’re only a little over an hour’s drive to downtown Toronto with the wind behind your back and the highway traffic calm.
Some History
The village of Eden Mills was founded in 1842 with the construction of the first of three mills. They owed their existence to the water power provided by the Eramosa River, which splits into two branches at the village. It flows on to join the Speed River in Guelph and then the Grand River which has been designated as a Canadian Heritage River.
During the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century the village grew into an important centre of commerce. In addition to the three mills, it boasted an imposing three-storey general store, a hotel (both still standing), post office, smithy, electric railway station, gas station and coffee shop. The passing of the importance of rivers for power led in turn to a by-passing of the village, with the fortunate result that much of its historical character and natural setting remain intact.
Community Hall
The land was donated by a local resident around 1893. It burned to the
ground and promptly was re-built by the Village Trustees in 1917. It is
currently jointly owned by the Township and the Eden Mills and District
Community Club. It is fully managed and run by the Club’s volunteers. In
2002 the Club and community fund-raised a remarkable $160,000 to make
it wheelchair accessible. This project was greatly aided by a generous
grant from the Trillium Foundation.